5230904 / Holiday Bazaar
Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Look no further! Handmade holiday crafts, sweaters and afghans, baked goods, and much more will all be for sale during our Annual Bazaar. Bring your wallet and a friend, and support the Centennial Activity Center! All vendors please contact Sarah Chuipek at for an application.
5230904-1 - Holiday Bazaar- Vendor Registration
11/2/2024 - 11/2/2024
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Centennial Activity Center
4230311 / STAR Boost Your Brain Health
Boost Your Brain Health
Mary Bielski RN, MSN, EdD
Research focused on the brain shows decision-making skills improve as we age. Discover how to keep your mind sharp, healthy and fit, in this interactive 4-week class. This series provides you with exercises to enhance brain health, address management of other factors such as sleep, nutrition, supplements, and so much more! CAC
4230311-2 - Boost Your Brain Health
8/13/2024 - 9/3/2024
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Centennial Activity Center
5230102 / A Taste of Greece
A Taste of Greece
Enjoy the flavors of Greek cuisine from simple dishes like tzatziki and Greek salad, to more complex dishes like moussaka or pastitsio. Greek food offers a variety of flavors to explore! Come join us and enjoy a taste of Greece on a plate. Registration Deadline: Sep 3 CAC
5230102-1 - A Taste of Greece
9/13/2024 - 9/13/2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Centennial Activity Center
5230103 / Pan Am Betty
Pan Am Betty with Leslie Goddard
Fasten your uniform buttons and get ready to travel back to the golden age of air travel. In the 1960s, when jets were new, the stewardess was an all-American fantasy: hostess, nurse, cook, therapist and even sex symbol. In this historical portrayal, historian Leslie Goddard, Ph.D., takes you on an exciting, true story about the real-life stewardesses for Pan Am, the most glamorous U.S. airline. Learn about serving the rich and famous, about the strict height, weight and age requirements, about cooking gourmet meals and enduring some wild rides. Buckle up – this is one flight you won’t forget. See S.T.A.R. Newsletter for menu. Registration deadline: Sep 18. CAC
9/30/2024 - 9/30/2024
12:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Centennial Activity Center
5230103-2 - Pan Am Betty (Show Only)
9/30/2024 - 9/30/2024
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
Centennial Activity Center
5230104 / Halloween Tricks & Treats
Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble. Do you believe in the magic of Halloween? Join us as award-winning comedy magician Dave entertains us to celebrate this fun holiday. ‘Tis the season for costumes, illusions, and lots of candy! Put on your best costume and let’s celebrate Halloween in style! Calling all gouhls and boos. Dress to possess. We can’t wait to see witch costume you’ll rock! Prize will be awarded for Best Costume determined by applause-o-meter. See S.T.A.R. Newsletter for menu. Registration deadline: October 16. CAC
5230104-1 - Halloween Tricks & Treat
10/28/2024 - 10/28/2024
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Centennial Activity Center
5230104-2 - Halloween Tricks & Treats - SHOW ONLY
10/28/2024 - 10/28/2024
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm
Centennial Activity Center