Lawn Care Application Program

(Updated April 2020)

Lawn Care Application Program is outlined as follows: 

A philosophy based on providing beautiful park settings.

The Park Ridge Park District is committed to providing well-maintained, beautiful, safe, and clean parks for the enjoyment, pleasure, and recreation of the community with due consideration given to the effects on the environment. Maintenance of park grounds will be completed with minimal reliance on pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Controlling pests with Mechanical or Chemical use.

To keep the parks in excellent condition, it may be necessary to remove unwanted vegetation or insects. The staff of the Park Ridge Park District shall consider different methods, either mechanical or chemical, to control unwanted weeds or pests. The District shall consider the advantages and disadvantages of the various available treatments and measures before making a decision, but will strive to manage our lawn as naturally as possible. To make an informed decision, expert opinions may be considered.

The Park Ridge Park District may use pesticides on its parks, fields, and facilities to control unwanted vegetation or insects. A pesticide is defined as an agent used to destroy pests. The pest that the agent is intended to destroy determines a more specific name for the pesticide. For example, if destroying insects is the goal, an insecticide is used. If ridding the area of fungus is the intent, a fungicide is applied. If eliminating vegetation is what is needed, an herbicide is used. These are all pesticides.

Pesticides used by the Park Ridge Park District shall be selected and applied according to criteria set forth in the State of Illinois Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act and all other applicable laws. A list of products used in the previous fiscal year will be reported on annually as part of the Strategic Plan report.

Lawn Care Product Application Procedures:

  • Only state certified pesticide applicators or operators shall make pesticide applications.
  • Signs notifying the public of any area to be treated with a pesticide or fertilizer will be posted in accordance with the State of Illinois Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act and any other applicable laws.
  • Signs shall be posted in highly visible locations around the perimeter of the area where the pesticide or fertilizer has been applied.
  • Signs will be compliant with the requirements of the State of Illinois Lawn Care Products Application and Notice Act.
  • To minimize off target movement of the pesticide, spray pesticide applications will be made only when wind speeds are less than 5 miles per hour.
  • A copy of the pesticide label and the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the pesticide must be on file with the Park Ridge Park District before application can take place. Safety Data Sheets are available below.
  • Staff will notify the Baseball, Football, and Soccer Affiliates of the intent to apply lawn care products, including what product will be used, two (2) days in advance and will confirm, via email, after the application has been made.
  • When EQ biosolids are used to amend the soil on a turf field: 
    • Large signs will be posted on a barricade and placed in the park before the EQ biosolids are applied. The sign shall state that EQ biosolids have been applied and a website address will be available for more information. We will maintain a list of park sites and dates that biosolids were applied on the website, as well as a link to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) for more information on EQ biosolids.
    • Staff will notify the Baseball, Football, and Soccer Affiliates of the intent to apply EQ biosolids two (2) days in advance and will confirm, via email, after the application has been made.

Product Labels & Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

ArmorTech TETRA

Bayer Dylox 6.2

Granular Blended Fertilizer w/ XCU and Armament

Black Gypsum

Defendor Herbicide

Foliar Pak Grow-In 8-4-5 Fertilizer

Healthy Grow 10-3-2


Nature Safe 18-0-2

NemaSeek Pro™ Hb Beneficial Nematodes

Santuary 8-8-8

SpeedZone Herbicide

Tetrino Insecticide

The Andersons GrubOut DG